

EFI Stub "/etc/os-release missing"

When I updated my Fedora 20 installation today I ran into trouble booting my system using the EFI Stub mechanism even though it booted fine using GRUB. I ended up in the Emergency Shell. Looking at the logs using journalctl, here are the relevant entries (with times and irrelevant entries removed): [ ]: Reached target Switch Root. [ ]: Started Plymouth switch root service. [ ]: Starting Switch Root… [ ]: Not switching root: /sysroot does not seem to be an OS tree. /etc/os-release is missing. …. [ ]: Failed to start Switch Root. [ ]: Startup finished in 211ms

Systemd Snapshots

This post examines the current state of snapshots in systemd.

Using FedUp to Update an EFI Boot Stub System to Fedora 19

FedUp (FEDora UPgrader) is the new tool for upgrading existing Fedora installs in Fedora 18 and above releases. It replaces all the previously recommended upgrade methods, i.e. PreUpgrade, DVD, USB, etc., that were available in previous Fedora releases. By the way, the Anaconda installer was totally redesigned for Fedora 18 and no longer has built-in upgrade functionality in Fedora 18 or later releases. Such functionality was delegated to FedUp. In this post, I demonstrate how to use FedUp to upgrade an EFI Boot Stub (EFISTUB) Fedora 18 system to an EFI Boot Stub Fedora 19 system. The EFI Boot Stub

Fedora 19 Released Today. Includes OpenLMI

Fedora 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat) was released today. Probably the most significant change from a system management point of view was the inclusion of OpenLMI as a replacement for many of the system-config-* utilities. OpenLMI is intended to be a common infrastructure for the management of Linux systems. Capabilities include configuration, management and monitoring of hardware, operating systems, and system services. It includes a set of services that can be accessed both locally and remotely, multiple language bindings, standard APIs, and standard scripting interfaces. I am not sure what actual real world problem OpenLMI is trying to resolve but, just like

Exploring Systemd D-Bus Interface

This post takes a detailed look at the systemd D-Bus interface particularly as it relates to systemd snapshots.