

EFI Stub "/etc/os-release missing"

When I updated my Fedora 20 installation today I ran into trouble booting my system using the EFI Stub mechanism even though it booted fine using GRUB. I ended up in the Emergency Shell. Looking at the logs using journalctl, here are the relevant entries (with times and irrelevant entries removed): [ ]: Reached target Switch Root. [ ]: Started Plymouth switch root service. [ ]: Starting Switch Root… [ ]: Not switching root: /sysroot does not seem to be an OS tree. /etc/os-release is missing. …. [ ]: Failed to start Switch Root. [ ]: Startup finished in 211ms

Fedora /etc/os-release

Fedora 17 added support for /etc/os-release. Here is the contents of that file: # cat /etc/os-release NAME=Fedora VERSION=”17 (Beefy Miracle)” ID=fedora VERSION_ID=17 PRETTY_NAME=”Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle)” ANSI_COLOR=”0;34″ CPE_NAME=”cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:17″ A number of fields are specified, some mandatory, some optional. CPE_NAME is a stylized name for the operating system, following the proposed Common Platform Enumeration specification. This field is optional. This file is part of the generic-release-17-1.noarch package.