

Configuring a FreeIPA Server For Use In RHCE7 Practice Lab

This post shows you how to configure a FreeIPA server for use in a RHCE7 exam preparation lab environment.

Configuring RHEL7 Networking Using nmcli

This post shows you how to use the nmcli utility to rename and assign static IPv4 addresses to a networking interface in a newly created CentOS 7.0 VM.

Configuring CentOS 7 For RHCSA7 Or RHCE7 Practice Labs

This blog post show you how to correctly configure your CentOS 7 repos so as to obtain only the updated packages for a particular specific version of CentOS 7, thereby avoiding being updated to the latest version of CentOS 7 when updating your system using yum update.

RHCSA Preparation - Script to Configure a Simple OpenLDAP Server

If you are preparing for the RHCSA exam, this post should be of interest to you. I provide a Bash script which will fully configure a simple OpenLDAP directory server which you can then use to test that your OpenLDAP client setup is correct.

Fastest Way to Gain Root Access in RHCSA7 Exam

This blog post describes the fastest way that I know to change the root password on a RHEL7 platform if you do not know or have forgotten the root password. A typical use case is the RHCSA 7 exam.