

Fedora 15 or 16: New NIC Names

Recently I installed Fedora 15 on a standalone system to do some testing. This system has ASUS motherboard with a single integrated Atheros 8131 Gigabit Ethernet NIC. Here is the relevant output from ipconfig -a: p33p1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr E0:CB:4E:1A:F6:D5 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::e2cb:4eff:fe1a:f6d5/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:62680 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:37533 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:94004479 (89.6 MiB) TX bytes:2446588 (2.3 MiB) Interrupt:44 I expected to see eth0; instead the NIC was named p33p1. The lsmod utility showed that the correct kernel module, i.e. atl1c.ko, was

Intel BIOS-Based Motherboards and GPT

Have you an Intel BIOS-based motherboard? Have you installed Fedora 16 only to find that your system will not boot and you end up an the GRUB2 rescue prompt wondering what to do? The solution is simple and I will explain it to you in a moment. The problem is due to the way the Intel BIOS developers choose to implement their code based on their understanding of the PMBR (Protective MBR) GPT specification. If you want to read this specification in full, you need to read Section 5 of the UEFI 2.3 specification together with T13 EDD-4 revision 2.

Fedora 16 GPT, GRUB2 and BIOS Boot Partition

This post discusses the requirement for a GPT BIOS Boot Partition by GRUB2 in order to boot a BIOS-based system.

GPT BIOS Boot Partition

Now that Fedora 16 (Verne) is in beta, many early adapters are encountering GRUB2, GPT and BIOS Boot partitions for the first time. The concept behind a BIOS Boot partition is not something particularly new. On BIOS-based computers, boot loaders images are larger than can be fitted on a single disk block or two. To overcome this inherent limitation, boot loaders are often split into a number of stages. For instance, GRUB Legacy has Stage1 code that lives in bytes 0 to 445 of the MBR, i.e. LBA0 (Logical Block Address), of a disk, and other code that lives in

Fedora 16 MBR GRUB Legacy to GPT GRUB2

This post discusses how to upgrade your Fedora 16 system from a MBR partitioned boot disk booted using GRUB Legacy to a GPT partitioned disk booted using GRUB2.