

GNOME Weather Extension New Version

I got some time recently to update my GNOME Shell weather extension. Most of the changes were minor. Version 2.5 is now available at or on GitHub. Here is what the weather panel looks like: This is the configuration panel for the extension: If anybody is a graphics artist and can develop a nicer set of weather icons (approx 60), I would welcome their help. This version works with Gnome Shell 3.4 and has been tested with Fedora 17.

GNOME Shell/Cinnamon Extension Configuration Persistence

In this post I show you a simple way to add preference persistence to your Cinnamon or GNOME Shell extension using JSON.

Using an Extension to Monkey Patch the GNOME Shell

This post demonstrates how to use the GNOME Shell extension mechanism to monkey patch the GNOME Shell in order to provide new functionality for the shell or fix a existing defect in the shell.

GNOME Shell Weather Extension

This post demonstrates a simple weather extension for the GNOME Shell and discusses various aspects of the design and the source code.

GNOME 3.0 and 3.1 Shell Extensions

This post discusses how to write extensions for the GNOME 3.0 and 3.1 Shell. A number of working examples are provided which demonstrate how to interact with various components of the GNOME 3.0 and 3.1 Shell.