

Configuring a FreeIPA Server For Use In RHCE7 Practice Lab

This post shows you how to configure a FreeIPA server for use in a RHCE7 exam preparation lab environment.

Configuring RHEL7 Networking Using nmcli

This post shows you how to use the nmcli utility to rename and assign static IPv4 addresses to a networking interface in a newly created CentOS 7.0 VM.

Configuring CentOS 7 For RHCSA7 Or RHCE7 Practice Labs

This blog post show you how to correctly configure your CentOS 7 repos so as to obtain only the updated packages for a particular specific version of CentOS 7, thereby avoiding being updated to the latest version of CentOS 7 when updating your system using yum update.

RHEL/CentOS 7: Revert To Old Network Interface Naming Convention

RHEL/CentOS 7 uses SystemD predictable network interface names. This post shows you how to rename a network interfcae to eth0,/em>without modifying the kernel commnad line or any udev rules, and without requiring a sytem reboot.

Adding and Removing Disks From VMware RHEL7 Guests Without Rebooting

In this post, I show you how to quickly add or delete a virtual disk in a running Red Hat or CentOS guest VM, running on VMware Workstation or VMware Player, without rebooting the guest.