

Time to Abandon Systemd?

Systemd, an initd replacement, is an abomination visited initially upon Fedora users by Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers and later adopted by a number of other distributions. Even Alan Cox, who recently announced his departure from Intel and Linux kernel development, is unhappy with some aspects of it. From a recent post on his Google+ page: So Fedora 18 seems to be the worst Red Hat distro I’ve ever seen. The new installer is unusable, the updater is buggy. When you get it running the default desktop has been eviscerated to the point of being slightly less useful than a

What Is Wrong With Systemd?

What’s wrong with systemd? Lots! Frankly the design is appallingly bad. To quote from a recent post on Slashdot post: It abstracts services to the point you can’t find them. It breaks existing sysv startup/shutdown scripts for commercial software. (The reply from vendors of commercial software is pretty unison: We don’t support systems with systemd) It assumes start and stop are always oneliners, so you end up writing startup/shutdown scripts anyhow cause systemd isn’t good enough. It breaks standard runlevels. It uses the old MSDOS .ini file format, which is severely sysadmin-unfriendly (grep doesn’t understand MSDOS [section]s, for example). …