

Some Ext4 Filesystems Cannot Be Converted to Btrfs

Not all ext4 filesystems can be converted to a btrfs filesystem using the btrfs-convert utility. Btrfs has some limitations. The mkfs.btrfs utility will complain if you try to create a fileystem that is less than 256Mb. Btrfs-convert used fail when a file had more than 244 hard links associated with it but that limitation is long gone. I hit another limitation recently when I tried to convert a 477Mb ext4 filesystem to btrfs. Btrfs-convert failed with a message of: block size is too small For some reason this Oracle document states that you cannot convert an ext4 /boot filesytem to

Fedora FedUp Does Not Sync Distribution

Fedora FedUp is an excellent tool for upgrading your Fedora system. However you should be aware that it does not currently synchronize your system with the Fedora distribution that you upgraded to. To do that, you need to execute the following command after you finish FedUp-ing your system. # yum distro-sync From the yum man page: distribution-synchronization or distro-sync Synchronizes the installed package set with the latest packages available, this is done by either obsoleting, upgrading or downgrading as appropriate. This will “normally” do the same thing as the upgrade command however if you have the package FOO installed at

Improving the Fedora 19 Boot Experience

Recently Red Hat’s Matthias Clasen started a new discussion on the Fedora Project developer mailing list to discuss possible ways to improve the Fedora boot experience. I would love to see F19 make a good first impression. The first time you see something Fedora-related on the screen currently is the graphical grub screen, followed by the filling-in-Fedora of Plymouth, followed by the gdm login screen. Grub in particular is problematic, with a starfield background that looks like a Fedora background from a few releases ago and a progress bar that indicates the progress in ‘booting the bootloader’. There are also

What Is Wrong With Systemd?

What’s wrong with systemd? Lots! Frankly the design is appallingly bad. To quote from a recent post on Slashdot post: It abstracts services to the point you can’t find them. It breaks existing sysv startup/shutdown scripts for commercial software. (The reply from vendors of commercial software is pretty unison: We don’t support systems with systemd) It assumes start and stop are always oneliners, so you end up writing startup/shutdown scripts anyhow cause systemd isn’t good enough. It breaks standard runlevels. It uses the old MSDOS .ini file format, which is severely sysadmin-unfriendly (grep doesn’t understand MSDOS [section]s, for example). …

Fedora 16 GRUB2 Limitations

Got a MBR disk and GRUB2 core.img will not fit between the MBR and sector 63? This is common with on disks on which Windows XP was installed prior to trying to install Fedora 16. Typically you will receive a message similar to this: Your embedding area is unusually small. core.img won’t fit in it.. Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. Here is what the Fedora deveopers have to say about this issue: Versions of Fedora prior to Fedora 16, and many