

16-bit Intel Assembly on Windows 10

I decided to run a little experiment to see if I could assemble, link and run a 16-bit executable on Windows 10. This post documents my experience.

Why a 16-bit executable? Well, I wanted the smallest possible “Hello World” executable for use when introducing students to IDA Pro.

Here is the assembly code listing. It is MASM-specific. You will have to modify the code if you want it to build using NASM, FASM or GASM toolchains.

TITLE HelloWorld1 (HW1)

.MODEL small
.STACK 100h

    MESSAGE DB "Hello world! 16-bit DOS assembly here!", 0Dh, 0Ah, "$"

    main PROC
        mov   ax, @DATA
        mov   ds, ax
        lea   dx, MESSAGE  
        mov   ah, 9  
        int   21h
        mov   ax, 4C00h
        int   21h
    main ENDP
END main

Here I use MASM 6.14 to assemble and link the above assembly code:

The output executable is named hw1.exe.

Next I attempted to use MASM 7.10 to assemble and link the same assembly code:

As you can see, MASM 7.10 returns two errors, i.e. “undefined DGROUP” and “leading underscore required for start address”. There are a couple of ways of overcoming the errors and I choose the easiest method, i.e. assembling with the /omf switch.

Early versions of MASM generated OMF-format object modules, while PE/COFF is generated by default by MASM 7.1 and later. According to Wikipedia:

The Relocatable Object Module Format (OMF) is an object file format used primarily for software intended to run on Intel 80×86 microprocessors. It was originally developed by Intel[when?] under the name Object Module Format, and is perhaps best known to DOS users as an .OBJ file.

Here is what was is displayed when I attempted to execute hw1.exe from the command prompt in Windows 10:

Note the GUI modal pop-up message box; the command prompt window is nowadays actually a full GUI application.

Similar situation here, but a non-modal pop-up message was displayed:

The workaround was to run hw1.exe in DOSBox:

Putting on my reverser hat, my first question was would the SysInternals strings utility handle 16-bit executables. Well, you can see the results for yourself below.

The MZ characters are the “magic string” that denotes a MS-DOS executable. These two characters are the initials of Mark Zbikowski who was the designer of the original MS-DOS executable file format.

The next question was would IDA Pro handle my 16-bit executable? It turns out that it could.

Here is the full disassembly listing produced by IDA Pro 6.9:

seg000:0000 ;
seg000:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
seg000:0000 ; |   This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA)    |
seg000:0000 ; |           Copyright (c) 2015 Hex-Rays,                                     |
seg000:0000 ; |                      License info: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                      |
seg000:0000 ; |                    Finnbarr Murphy, personal license                    |
seg000:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
seg000:0000 ;
seg000:0000 ; Input SHA256 : B6CA752F014E2B0BAF0D8A82D4D163CAD73BD9C183E764CA0010B4CA999F7164
seg000:0000 ; Input MD5    : C76EEFAE7E1FD7EC03690EFFA9CFAE50
seg000:0000 ; Input CRC32  : DCC0D305
seg000:0000 ; File Name   : C:\Users\fpm\Desktop\hw1.exe
seg000:0000 ; Format      : MS-DOS executable (EXE)
seg000:0000 ; Base Address: 1000h Range: 10000h-10140h Loaded length: 3Bh
seg000:0000 ; Entry Point : 1000:0
seg000:0000                 .686p
seg000:0000                 .mmx
seg000:0000                 .model large
seg000:0000 ; ===========================================================================
seg000:0000 ; Segment type: Pure code
seg000:0000 seg000          segment byte public 'CODE' use16
seg000:0000                 assume cs:seg000
seg000:0000                 assume es:nothing, ss:seg002, ds:nothing, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
seg000:0000 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
seg000:0000 ; Attributes: noreturn
seg000:0000                 public start
seg000:0000 start           proc near
seg000:0000                 mov     ax, seg dseg
seg000:0003                 mov     ds, ax
seg000:0005                 assume ds:dseg
seg000:0005                 lea     dx, unk_10012
seg000:0009                 mov     ah, 9
seg000:000B                 int     21h             ; DOS - PRINT STRING
seg000:000B                                         ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$"
seg000:000D                 mov     ax, 4C00h
seg000:0010                 int     21h             ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
seg000:0010 start           endp                    ; AL = exit code
seg000:0010 seg000          ends
dseg:0002 ; ===========================================================================
dseg:0002 ; Segment type: Pure data
dseg:0002 dseg            segment para public 'DATA' use16
dseg:0002                 assume cs:dseg
dseg:0002                 ;org 2
dseg:0002 unk_10012       db  48h ; H             ; DATA XREF: start+5o
dseg:0003                 db  65h ; e
dseg:0004                 db  6Ch ; l
dseg:0005                 db  6Ch ; l
dseg:0006                 db  6Fh ; o
dseg:0007                 db  20h
dseg:0008                 db  77h ; w
dseg:0009                 db  6Fh ; o
dseg:000A                 db  72h ; r
dseg:000B                 db  6Ch ; l
dseg:000C                 db  64h ; d
dseg:000D                 db  21h ; !
dseg:000E                 db  20h
dseg:000F                 db  31h ; 1
dseg:0010                 db  36h ; 6
dseg:0011                 db  2Dh ; -
dseg:0012                 db  62h ; b
dseg:0013                 db  69h ; i
dseg:0014                 db  74h ; t
dseg:0015                 db  20h
dseg:0016                 db  44h ; D
dseg:0017                 db  4Fh ; O
dseg:0018                 db  53h ; S
dseg:0019                 db  20h
dseg:001A                 db  61h ; a
dseg:001B                 db  73h ; s
dseg:001C                 db  73h ; s
dseg:001D                 db  65h ; e
dseg:001E                 db  6Dh ; m
dseg:001F                 db  62h ; b
dseg:0020                 db  6Ch ; l
dseg:0021                 db  79h ; y
dseg:0022                 db  20h
dseg:0023                 db  68h ; h
dseg:0024                 db  65h ; e
dseg:0025                 db  72h ; r
dseg:0026                 db  65h ; e
dseg:0027                 db  21h ; !
dseg:0028                 db  0Dh
dseg:0029                 db  0Ah
dseg:002A                 db  24h ; $
dseg:002B                 db    ? ;
dseg:002C                 db    ? ;
dseg:002D                 db    ? ;
dseg:002E                 db    ? ;
dseg:002F                 db    ? ;
dseg:002F dseg            ends
seg002:0000 ; ===========================================================================
seg002:0000 ; Segment type: Uninitialized
seg002:0000 seg002          segment byte stack 'STACK' use16
seg002:0000                 assume cs:seg002
seg002:0000                 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:dseg, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
seg002:0000                 db 100h dup(?)
seg002:0000 seg002          ends
seg002:0000                 end start

The only thing that IDA Pro got wrong was the memory model, large instead of small. A trivial detail.

By the way, this is the smallest executable I have ever reversed using IDA Pro. Also the smallest disassembly listing that I have seen IDA Pro produce.


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