

How to Install Cinnamon Themes

This post assumes that you already have the Cinnamon shell installed on your computer and you want to install new Cinnomon themes for your personnal use rather than for global use.

If you do not already have a ~/.themes subdirectory, you need to create it. The default permissions are fine.

You can either use the Cinnamon Settings tool (Menu->Preferences->Cinnamon Settings) to preview, select and download a new theme, or you can download a theme directly from here.

Themes files are compressed and packaged as a single zip file. Move the downloaded zipped theme file to ~/.themes and unzip it. A new subdirectory named after the theme will be created. For example, if you download the Smooth Mint theme, a subdirectory called ~/.themes/SmoothMint is created. Within that subdirectory, a subdirectory called cinnamon is created and this is the subdirectory that contains all of the actual theme files. For example, here is what is created for the SmoothMint theme.

[SmoothMint]$ ls -R

calendar-arrow-left.svg   panel-button-border.svg
calendar-arrow-right.svg  panel-button-highlight-narrow.svg
calendar-today.svg        panel-button-highlight-wide.svg
cinnamon.css              player-paused.svg
cinnamon.css~             player-playing.svg
cinnamon.css.old          player-stopped.svg
close.svg                 process-working.svg
close-window.png          running-indicator.svg
close-window.svg          scroll-hhandle.svg
corner-ripple-ltr.png     scroll-vhandle.svg
corner-ripple-rtl.png     source-button-border.svg
dash-placeholder.svg      thumbnail-generic.png
filter-selected-ltr.svg   thumbnail.png
filter-selected-rtl.svg   toggle-off-intl.svg
gdm.css                   toggle-off-us.svg
menuold.png               toggle-on-intl.svg
menu.png                  toggle-on-us.svg
overview-hover.png        ws-switch-arrow-down.svg
overview.png              ws-switch-arrow-up.svg

You can then use the Cinnomon Settings tool to select the new theme. Once selected, the new theme is immediately visible; there is no need to log off and log back in again.

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