

Converting Integer to Different Base in KSH93

This post demonstrates how to convert an integer to a different base using ksh93 builtin functionality.

Bash Printf %T Option

This post discusses and demonstrates how to use the printf %T date functionality available in the Bash shell since version 4.2.

Manipulating Binary Data Using The Korn Shell

In this post, I demonstrate via a number of working example scripts how to manipulate binary files and data using Korn Shell 93. I also compare and contrast how binary data is stored internally by the Korn Shell and the Z Shell.

The KSH93 Version String

In this short post, I explain the various parts of the ksh93 version string and show you some useful things you can do with the version string.

Bash-like Customizable Prompt in Korn Shell

Bash has built-in support for extensive PS1 prompt customization and as a result many people customize their shell prompts. There is no equivalent built-in support for PS1 customization in ksh93 but such support can easily be added using discipline functions.