

WSGI, GEvent and Web Sockets

This port demonstrates how to use Web Sockets with a gevent-based WSGI webserver

Patching a GNOME Shell theme

This post shows you how to write an GNOME Shell extension to patch a theme stylesheet.

Using an Extension to Monkey Patch the GNOME Shell

This post demonstrates how to use the GNOME Shell extension mechanism to monkey patch the GNOME Shell in order to provide new functionality for the shell or fix a existing defect in the shell.

GNOME Shell Weather Extension

This post demonstrates a simple weather extension for the GNOME Shell and discusses various aspects of the design and the source code.

More GNOME Shell Customization

In this post I delve deeper into the technologies behind the new GNOME Shell and provide sample code for a number of simple extensions which demonstrate how to customize and extend various components of the GNOME Shell user interface.