

RNG Protocol Error in Lenovo ThinkPad Firmware

This post discusses the UEFI 2.4 Random Number Generator protocol and Lenovo’s current implementation of the protocol and suggests there is an error in their implementation.

Lenovo ThinkPwn POC Ported to UDK2015

This blog contains the source code for my UDK2015 port of the ThinkPwn Oday proof of concept demonstration.

Accessing TPM Functionality From UEFI Shell - Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts which demonstrate how to access, use and modify TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 resources via a series of UEFI shell applications.

Examine ESRT entries from UEFI Shell

This blog post explains what is the UEFI ESRT and provides the source code and build tools for a simple utility to list ESRT entries.

UEFI Shell Utility to Display TPM 1.2 Event Log

In this post I provide the source code for a simple UEFI shell utility to display the TCG TPM 1.2 event log.