

Capsh – Capabilities Shell

Linux capability support and use can be explored and constrained with this utility which is available on Fedora and downstream distributions. It also provides some debugging features useful for summarizing capability state. Linux divides the privileges traditionally associated with superuser into distinct units, known as capabilities, which can be independently enabled and disabled. Capabilities are a per-thread attribute. See the capabilities(7) man page for more information. Linux has implemented 7 of the capabilities outlined in the uncompleted (and defunct) POSIX 1003.1e specification, and another 20 plus Linux specific ones. $ capsh –print Current: = Bounding set =cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,35,36 Securebits: 00/0x0/1’b0 secure-noroot:

List All Network Interfaces on Red Hat

The following script will list all non-loopback networking interfaces on a Fedora, Red Hat or downstream distribution. #!/bin/bash interfaces=$(ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | LC_ALL=C sed -e “$__sed_discard_ignored_files” -e ‘/(ifcfg-lo$|:|ifcfg-.*-range)/d’ -e ‘{ s/^ifcfg-//g;s/[0-9]/ &/}’ | LC_ALL=C sort -k 1,1 -k 2n | LC_ALL=C sed ‘s/ //’) echo $interfaces | tr ” ” “n” It ignores any aliases and outputs the interfaces one per line.

Tuning The Kernel Swappiness

The /proc/sys/vm/swappiness kernel parameter controls the tendency of the kernel to move processes out of physical memory and onto the swap disk. Because disks are much slower than RAM, this can lead to slower response times for system and applications if processes are too aggressively moved out of memory. Swappiness can have a value of between 0 and 100 where: 0 – instructs the kernel to avoid swapping processes out of physical memory for as long as possible. 100 – instructs the kernel to aggressively swap processes out of physical memory. The default value in Red Hat and Ubuntu distributions